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AACE 2015 Spring Conference

  • 11 Jun 2015
  • 12 Jun 2015
  • Holiday Inn North West Arkansas, Springdale, AR


Registration is closed

AACE 2015 Spring Conference


How people, technology, and economics are driving the future of recruiting.

June 11-12, 2015

Holiday Inn & Convention Center Northwest Arkansas

1500 S. 48th Street | Springdale, AR | 72762


Registration Fee: $125 Members  |  $150 Non-Members

A special discounted rate has been set aside for our conference participants needing overnight accommodations at Holiday Inn & Convention Center for $104.00 per night.

To make your reservation online, please click the following link: AACE HR and Career Manager Workshop.

To make your reservation by phone, please call (479) 751-8300 and mention group code “AACE”.

 Please book your room by Monday, May 11, 2015.

Conference details and agenda will be announced soon!


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, visit our Conference Sponsorship website for more information. We hope you join us for an informative and enjoyable day of professional development at the AACE 2013 Spring Conference!

Jeff Adams, AACE President PO Box 45, Little Rock, AR 72203 │ 

Phone: (479) 788-7221

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