AACE Spring Conference May 3-4, 2010
Innovation, Organization, and Technology: Building On A Solid Foundation
The AACE Conference Planning Committee has lined up a great 2011 Spring Conference hosted this year at The Lodge at Mt. Magazine State Park.
Day 1
Breakfast served 8:00-9:00.
The morning workshop will feature Sharon Becker, Career Management Center Director, Arkansas State university, Joneboro, AR.
Lunch served 12:30-1:30.
The early afternoon workshop will be presented by Denise Oxley, General Counsel, Arkansas Department of Labor, Little Rock, AR.
The late afternoon session will be conducted by Wanda Jones, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Little Rock, AR.
Enjoy early evening cocktails and light snacks at the President's Reception 5:00-6:00.
Day 2
Continental breakfast and AACE Business Meeting and new Board Member elections 8:00-9:00.
The morning workshop will feature Matt Berndt, Director of Communication Career Services, university of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX., and Jake Burke, Vice President of Sales, InterviewStream, Dallas TX.
Conference wrap up at 11:00 - 11:30.
A block of rooms with a special discounted rate has been set aside for our conference participants needing overnight accommodations at The Lodge at Mt. Magazine. Call 1-877-665-6343 for room reservations. Governemtn employees may be able to get an even better discounted rate, so please infomr the clerk while making reservations if you are a governement employee and prepare to show I.D. upon arrival.
So please join us for an informative and enjoyable professional development at the AACE 2011 Spring Conference. I look forward to seeing you there!
Jeff Adams, AACE President │PO Box 45, Little Rock, AR 72203 │
Phone: (479) 788-7221 │ jeff.adams@uafs.edu