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AACE 2014 Spring Conference

  • 29 May 2014
  • 30 May 2014
  • Arlington Hotel ~ Hot Springs, Arkansas


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AACE Spring Conference

  May 29-30, 2014


Arlington Hotel

239 Central Ave. Hot Springs, AR 71901

$99 per night

This rate will extend through the weekend for AACE Attendees

Go For Gold! Winning Strategies to Advance Your Profession

The HR Certification Institute has 

pre-approved this activity for 3.75 general

 recertification credits

2014 AACE Spring Conference Agenda


‘Go for the Gold’ Winning Strategies to Advance Your Profession.
The Arlington Hotel and Spa – Hot Springs, AR

May 28-30, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

6:00-7:30          Board Meeting – Magnolia Board Room

Thursday, May 29, 2014

8:30-9:30          Conference Registration Magnolia Room

8:30-9:30          Continental Breakfast – Fountain Room

9:30-9:45          Welcome – Monique Forehand, President

9:45-11:00        Susie Marks “Interns in Arkansas”

Presenters Biography:

Susie Marks is Senior Vice President for Programs for the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce.  She is responsible for all aspects of membership development and retention and program development.  She is also the coordinator for the Leadership Arkansas program.

 In addition to her position with the State Chamber, Susie is the Executive Director of the Arkansas Chamber of Commerce Executives and Arkansas Economic Developers.

Susie’s Chamber career began 21 years ago.  She left the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce in 2006 where she was VP, Membership and Special Events and worked in the Economic Development division doing research projects.

Susie is a native of Camden, Arkansas.  She holds a bachelor’s degree from Henderson State University in Business Management and a master’s degree from the United States Sports Academy in Sports Marketing.  Susie is a graduate of the Institute for Organizational Management and Economic Development Institute.  Susie is also a Certified Chamber Executive.

Learning Objectives:

1. Importance of Internships to Workforce Development Initiatives

2. How internships are importance to the development of next generation employees.

3. How internships play a role in community development     


11:00-11:15      Break

11:15-12:30      Kaylee Simmons  “Resume/Cover Letter Tips: Minute-to-Win-it Style”      

Presenters Biography:

Kaylee Simmons is in her first year as a career counselor for the University of Arkansas Career Development Center having recently received her Global Career Development Facilitator certification in March 2014. In her previous position as an Advisor Coordinator for Talent Search Programs, she recently presented at the National Council for Opportunity in Education conference in New York City and at the Oklahoma Division of Student Assistance conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She enjoys bringing new and innovative approaches to engage students within the classroom. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and a M.Ed. in Higher Education from the University of Arkansas - Fayetteville.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will learn tips on creating a "stand-out" resume and make a cover letter visually appealing.

2. Participants will learn how to stay up-to-date on creative and innovative ways to inform and engage today's college students.

3. Participant will learn how the use of QR codes allows an easy and cost-effective way to assess student satisfaction.

4. Participants will partake in a Minute-to-Win-it resume game.

12:30-1:30        Lunch Provided – Fountain Room

1:30-3:00          Leigh Turner     “Customer-Focused Career Services”

Presenters Biography:

Dr. Leigh Turner is the Executive Director of the Career Center at Texas A&M University, a position in which she has served for 21 years. Prior to this, Dr. Turner served in a similar capacity at her alma mater, the University of Arkansas, for several years. 

Throughout her career, she has been involved in state, regional and national professional associations, serving as a board member and officer for the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the Southwest Association of Colleges and Employers, and the Association of Arkansas Placement Personnel. Dr. Turner has regularly shared her expertise as an instructor for conference workshops as well as the NACE Management Leadership Institute.  She also chaired the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct Committee, developing numerous resources that are widely used to train members in their understanding and application of ethical guidelines. In recognition of these efforts, NACE honored Dr. Turner as the sole recipient as the 2004 Excellence Award.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will learn about a model of providing customized career services.

2. Participants will learn about strategies to develop opportunities for students.

3. Participants will learn about strategies to engage students in career services.

3:00-3:15          Break (Snack provided)

3:15-4:15          Art Serratelli      “How to Hire International Graduates and What Career Services and Employers Need to Know”

Presenters Biography:

Art is a partner with Vandeventer Black where he manages the Immigration Law Group. He advises companies and individuals on all aspects of immigration strategy for temporary employment and permanent residence in the United States.

 He also assists employers with compliance under the employer sanction provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, including counsel on the implementation of Form I-9 procedures and avoiding civil and criminal fines and penalties under the Act.

 Art is a frequent presenter across the country on a variety of immigration topics. Art speaks before a broad range of audiences, including international students on college campuses; professional trade associations; international student advisors and career development counselors at colleges and universities; human resource groups; and economic development agencies.

 Art also is a frequent and valued contributor to Virginia business periodicals and legal journals on current immigration topics.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Participant will learn to deal with HR Issues that Arise when Hiring International Students at US Universities.

2. Participant will learn what involved in completing paperwork for an International Worker

3. Participant will learn what the difference is between Visas 

5:00-6:00          Presidential Reception, Capone Suite



Friday, May 30, 2014

8:00-9:00        Buffet Breakfast Fountain Room

9:00 – 9:30      Business Meeting Magnolia Room
Election for 2014 Officers

9:30-11:30        Panel               Best Practices for Employer and Career Service Collaboration

11:30-12:00      Wrap up and Awards Closing Magnolia Room

“This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.”


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, visit our Conference Sponsorship website for more information. We hope you join us for an informative and enjoyable day of professional development at the AACE 2014 Spring Conference!

Jeff Adams, AACE President PO Box 45, Little Rock, AR 72203 │ 

Phone: (479) 788-7221

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